IP Protection, Strategy and Leverage

IP Protection
Our services start with protection. We will advise you on the appropriate structure for your business as well handle your Trade Mark registrations, both nationally and internationally, and ensure that competitors are not attempting to ride off your business' goodwill by infringing your trademarks.
IP Strategy
The right strategy is important. Our lawyers will advise you the terms of the lease you require, or how to deal with a non-compliant franchisee, or if you operate a Franchise System what your obligations are in terms of marketing disclosure. The development of your IP is key to growth and relevance of your business. Strategy is not limited to the development of a business model, but also the practical implementation of that model moving forward.
IP Leverage
Leverage. One of our favourite words, and the most important part of what we do. It happens to be how you make money off your IP. Whether you are a songwriter or run an International multi-unit Franchise System, you are making money from your IP. So that's where we come in. We ensure you have the necessary and compliant legal documentation to effectively leverage your IP. We are the lawyers that help you make money. Leverage is also key in disputes regarding your IP and we will do all we can, where possible, to ensure you hold the leverage, so we get you the 'win'.