Dispute Resolution
When Bruce Lee was asked, in the famous scene from 'Enter the Dragon', "what's your style?" Lee responded "My style? You could call it the art of fighting, without fighting". "The art of fighting without fighting" says Parsons in disbelief and asks Bruce "show me some". Bruce Lee responded with "Alright" but says they need more room and suggests they should take the boat to the island. Lee lures Parsons into a boat and when Parsons gets in he pushes the boat away and lets it trail off behind the larger boat. Putting Parsons in the sinking boat stops him from bullying the workers on the larger boat.
You might be thinking right about now. Why am I reading about Bruce Lee when I am looking for information about what this law firm can do for me regarding dispute resolution? The meaning from the Bruce Lee scene in Enter the Dragon is that Bruce Lee beats Parsons with words and strategy so that Bruce Lee did not need to lift a finger (or engage in a protracted legal battle, where often the real winners are the law firms involved). The art of fighting, without fighting. Our lawyers are encouraged to take a pragmatic, no-nonsense and commercial approach to legal disputes and to always ensure that in the end, it is about achieving the best desired result for our clients without the ego driven banter between law firms.
IP Partnership aims to minimise disputes by strategic planning and documentation. We realise that disputes are sometimes an inevitable part of doing business. IP Partnership believes in finding the best commercial outcome for clients and we work with our clients to provide practical advice and devise dispute resolution strategies that realistically identify the prospects of success.
Parsons, above, was lucky. Later in 'Enter the Dragon' Bruce Lee beats O'Hara mercilessly. Similarly to the way some litigation lawyers act, O'Hara starts the fight by aggressively splitting a plank of wood in front of Bruce Lee's face. Bruce Lee, without flinching, calmly says "Boards don't hit back" and then landed a punch that puts O'Hara on the ground.
So, what next...
Please contact our office if you require legal representation in relation to an IP or Franchising dispute.

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Zupp Place
Level 6, 64 Marine Parade
Southport QLD, 4215 Australia